Facebook Instagram Link The Pluralist School Jones Irwin, Republic of Ireland lost objects from paris Carolina Vergas, Denmark untold habits Ahmad Al-Khatat, Iraq THE GOLDEN PALTA PROJECT – EL PROYECTO PALTA DORADA Antonio Díaz Oliva (ADO) and Balam Bartolomé, Chile-México-USA DESERT LANDSCAPES–PART 1 Phillip Barron, USA Α REFLECTION DERIVING FROM AN ARTWORK: THOUGHT BASED ON ACTION AND PRACTICE–PART 1 Dāna Papachristou, Greece the first sign Nikole Domchekova, Slovakia - Ukraine - Canada LEGALLY ORGANIZED. ACTION IN PUBLIC SPACE / PHOTO DOCUMENTATION 2015 Adam Ulen, Austria distance burnt Ahmad Al-Khatat, Iraq i still dream that dream Emma Fearon, Ireland - England in-out 2 Greta Merdan, Germany A Shadow is a Colour, a Body is a Shape, an Edge is a Line: Towards a Posthuman Account of Painting -part 1 Maegan Harbridge, Canada I move with the colour of light Lidiya Zelke, Ethiopia no borders Josephine Coy, UK BREAKTHROUGH APPROPRIATION mkb, Poland in boats Natalia Ludmila, Mexico - Canada HANDMADE PAPER WITH PLANT BODY Laura Kaker, Finland curd Hassan Ali, Karachi, Pakistan three border poems Roxanne Doty, Arizona, USA Psychogeography 2022 Jones Irwin, Republic of Ireland Consider the Bristlecone Pine Bennett Gilbert, USA diving with davis -part 3 Kristina Bivona, USA diving with davis -part 1 Kristina Bivona, USA floaters Martín Espada, USA uprooted Anjanette Delgado, Puerto Rico A Forest of Selves 1 Jessica Sequeira, Chile - UK '...There are an infinite number of guernicas...' Andrew Galan, Australia Encounters. An artist’s project: Rome to London on foot Maria Teresa Gavazzi Hedgerow Emily Chow-Kambitsch, USA ANIMATED SKINS –PART 1 Albert Brenchat-Aguilar, UK Out late and dirty: curfews and the covid city –Part 1 Sabina Andron, UK The Original of: Hudinilson Jr. –Part 1 Manuela Irarrázabal, Chile On Borders and Thresholds: the recognition of differences between exclusion and protection Azzurra Muzzonigro, Italy Tlatelolco Jones Irwin, Republic of Ireland BORDERLINE: A MANIFESTO Jennifer Cabral, Brazil FROM BASHŌ’S JAPANESE VERSE TO KEROUAC’S ‘AMERICAN HAIKUS’ Jones Irwin, Republic of Ireland TI KÁNEIS? Farah Widmer, Amsterdam the cat Eloy Kaminski, Manoa, Hawaii PEOPLE OF PHILOSOPHERS Yury Tikhonravov, Moscow DESERT LANDSCAPES–PART 2 Phillip Barron, USA BRITTLE ECHOES OF AN ANCIENT LANDSCAPE Sofia Batalha, Portugal Α REFLECTION DERIVING FROM AN ARTWORK: THOUGHT BASED ON ACTION AND PRACTICE–PART 2 Dāna Papachristou, Greece CHRONICLE OF AN IDENTITY MIGRATION Chiara Raucea, Italy Α REFLECTION DERIVING FROM AN ARTWORK: THOUGHT BASED ON ACTION AND PRACTICE–PART 2 Dāna Papachristou, Greece this italian may Jones Irwin, Republic of Ireland i walked across a line Tim Taylor, Yorkshire, UK PROHIBITION AND ARBITRARINESS Serene Richards, London the current Jones Irwin, Republic of Ireland about gardens Paola Franco, Peru I move with the colour of light 2 Lidiya Zelke, Ethiopia A Shadow is a Colour, a Body is a Shape, an Edge is a Line: Towards a Posthuman Account of Painting -part 2 Maegan Harbridge, Canada In-out Greta Merdan, Germany ALONG THE (DRAWN) LINE Natalia Ludmila, Mexico - Canada behind the shed Christine Plastow, UK heart on both sides Kayluh Ote, USA - Mexico conjugations of love Josephine Coy, UK THE ABBAYE AT CHÃTELIERS Jones Irwin, Republic of Ireland Mattolaituri Laura Kaker, Finland beyond earth Lidiya Zelke, Ethiopia Peace talks. Emily Lord-Kambitsch, USA diving with davis -part 4 Kristina Bivona, USA diving with davis -part 2 Kristina Bivona, USA UNFIXED CONSCIOUSNESS/POSITIVE UNCONSCIOUSNESS Dawn Gaietto, USA - UK ascension Nikole Domchekova, Slovakia - Ukraine - Canada borders: between Turkey, Syria, Irak and chile Melanie Garland, Chile - Germany A Forest of Selves 2 Jessica Sequeira, Chile - UK Eastern Love, Western Beloveds: Sanskrit heroines in a frontier territory Maddalena Italia, Italy - UK animated skins –Part 2 Albert Brenchat-Aguilar, UK Out late and dirty: curfews and the covid city –Part 2 Sabina Andron, UK The Original of: Hudinilson Jr. –Part 2 Manuela Irarrázabal, Chile As full as they had Mathura Umachandran, UK borders are powerful things Nikhilesh Sinha, India Crossing Culinary Borders –A Gentle Guide Yanmin Zhuchen, UK