Handmade Paper with Plant Body

Laura Kaker, Finland

25 June 2022

handmade paper featured

In Handmade Paper with Plant Body the plant body is captured inside the fibres of the handmade paper. The paper at the same time conserves it but also builds a border in between the plant body and the external world. I see this paper as an emotional translation of the sensation of physical separation from others. Borders, meant to protect us and serve as a safe part of our “culture”, also divide us and put us in danger. They seem obsolete today as many ecological phenomena don’t follow the human-built borders. This plant inside the paper is in between existing and disappearing, showing only its structure through a filter. It reflects on the way humans relate to each other and with other beings when it comes to sharing spaces. The demarcation between humans, and between humans and non-humans is what the piece is encouraging its viewers to think about.