Editorial line and submissions

As with land borders, we understand abstract limits as human creations which establish distinctions in spaces that are difficult to categorise. Borderland invites writings whose vision, reflection, and expression about what we see, read, listen and live is expressed in a free and insubordinate way that flout those limits. Pieces either indifferent or defiant of categorisations such as literary genres or disciplines, whose main drive is territorial inquisitiveness and exploration. We are interested in writings from different practices and interests.

Borderland accepts short writings, of no more than two pages or 1500 words, in Spanish, French, or English. Accepted formats are Word for text, and JPG or PNG (minimum resolution: 72 pixels/inch; minimum width: 1000 pixels) for images. All images must come with credits and authorisation for publishing by their authors.

Submit your piece to editors@espaciofronterizo.com

Selection and editorial process

All texts to be published must be sent to the email address of the magazine indicated above. The text will be read by at least two members of the editorial team independently. If both editors approve it, the text is accepted. In case of disagreement between the editors, the text will be discussed with the rest of the members of the editorial team. After the acceptance of a text, the editorial process begins. The text will be assigned to one of the editors whose mother tongue is the same as the text in question, who within three weeks will contact the author, providing suggestions / changes / corrections, depending on the case. The author will in turn be asked to respond to such suggestions / changes / corrections within three weeks. This process continues until both the author and the publisher consider that the text is ready for publication. Once there, the journal reserves the right to decide the date of publication, not exceeding a period of one month.

All visual work to be published must be sent to the same email and will go through the same selection process as the texts. The editing process in this case will focus solely on the quality and format of the image; in some cases, the possibility of adding an explanatory text will be discussed.

In case of sending images to accompany a text, it is the responsibility of the author of the text to obtain authorisation to publish them and provide the credits for them.