People of Philosophers

Yury Tikhonravov, Moscow

29 December 2023

On a distant exoplanet in one of the parallel worlds in a perpendicular dimension of an alternate universe, one man felt his mind touched by a Primordial Thought that is infinitely reflected in itself and continually generates worlds.

Then he realized that he could no longer follow the way of life of his ancestors and his neighbors because he had become the chosen one of this Primordial Thought, which is also the Last Thought, and now had an irresistible urge for all wisdom, for endless reflection, for detachment from all modes of life, for their reflection and comparison, for exploring their foundations, for their destruction and the creation of new ones.

Then he left his country and began to wander and saw that there were people like him among the other peoples, but very few, and that they were treated with contempt and apprehension. He also saw that the ways of life were very different, and that in time they all deteriorated by themselves, leaving people alone with their meaninglessness and making them inferior to animals. He also saw that some of those whom he had initiated into the mysteries of the Primordial Thought that had been revealed to him went mad and some even killed themselves.

Then he heard anew the call of the Primordial Thought, which he called Sophia the Wisdom, that a people should be constituted, in which all inherit the election of the Primordial Thought, are made partakers of it from birth, are accustomed to think continually within themselves, and develop proficiency in it. The people of Sophia’s chosen ones who love thought by itself were the people of philosophers. Listening to the infinite rotation of the Primordial Thought within itself, this person had set the rules for these people.

If Sophia elects someone, it is irreversible, it cannot be overcome and it cannot be resisted. Whoever is born a philosopher cannot cease to be one, no matter what he does. Even if he leads a completely ordinary life, even if he does not express a single philosophical thought in any way, even if he becomes a devoted follower of some one-sided doctrine, even if he hates and denies philosophy and exterminates philosophers and calls others to do so, he still does so as a philosopher.

If someone is born outside the tribe of philosophers, but still feels the same urge, the same love for wisdom, and the same involvement in its eternal cycle, then he also has that special soul—the soul of a philosopher. And such a person should be accepted into the people of philosophers.

A people of philosophers must not have their own land, but must be dispersed among other peoples, so as not to be attached to any certain way of life, but to observe them all as if from aside, to test and compare freely.

Philosophers may live as they please—eat and drink what they please and how they please, build a family as they please or not at all, celebrate any holiday or not at all, choose any occupation or do nothing at all—but the time from the beginning of sunset, when the sun touches the horizon, to the end of dusk, is a holy hour, which they must devote to detachment from all everyday things, to reflection and contemplation of the Primordial Thought.

Since the establishment of these rules, the people of philosophers has spread throughout the said exoplanet and has become a bearer of wisdom among other peoples, helping them to defend or change their way of life. For their one steadfast custom the philosophers were nicknamed the sunset worshippers or the twilight people.