Ti Káneis?

Farah Widmer, Amsterdam

20 February 2024

Cermele et al. (2001) untersuchten das DSM-Fallbuch nach Unterschieden zwischen Frauen und Männern in der Bewertung und Beurteilung von psychischen Krankheitsbildern. Sie fassten die Personenbeschreibungen in Tabellen zusammen und verglichen sie hinsichtlich des Geschlechts. Männer wurden zu 72% mit positiven und 28% negativen Charaktereigenschaften beschrieben, wohingegen Frauen nur 44% positive und 56% negative persönliche Charaktereigenschaften zugeschrieben wurden [1].


No pido que todos los días sean de sol [2]


There is a word for people who have come from another place and settled here and that name is IMMIGRANT

There is also a word for the children of people who have come from another place and settled here and that name is SECONDO

There is no word for the children of people who left Russia for India and then met a Greek merchant there and fell in love and then, when they were 25 years old and the war was over they now lived in a country called Pakistan, but my name for them is NONNA

There is no word for the people who have left here to work in Pakistan and have met a woman there and fallen in love but my name for them is GRANDPA

There is no word for the children of people who come from Russia and Greece but live in Pakistan with people who come from Switzerland but live in Pakistan but are infertile and therefore adopt.

There is no word for Swiss children, who are birthed by women unknown and then flown to Pakistan to be the children of a Swiss merchant and a Russian-Greek woman but my name for them is MOM and MARTINO


Wie oft wäschisch du dini Unterwösch? Und wie heiss? Es isch wichtig, dass du sie bi 60 graad wäschisch. Benutzisch du au Baumwullunterwösch?

Ehrlich gseit, du stinksch es biz


There is a name for people who comment on my mother and that name is EVERYONE


Jetzt alle mit den Armen!

Ego, mihi, me, me

Tu, tibi, te, te


Vom Sozialamt abhängigi stürzed de Staat in Armuet wil sie fuul sind


τι κάνεις?
έτσι κι έτσι


D’Nicole gseht einiges gsünder uus als ä scho


Hija, no nos gusta la manera en que te pasaste toda la fiesta charlando con Jesús. Te dimos una fiesta y la verdad no fuiste muy agradecida.

You didn’t talk to me all night, I don’t know these people and I don’t understand them I miss my real mother actually Jesús was the only friendly face

¿Te gusta Jesús?


Es el hijo del chofer, no deberías darle esperanzas así. ¿Ahora está enamorado de ti, le estás jugando, o qué?


Was, du gahsch nöd id Schuel?


Dini Mueter isch e Lesbe und en Junkie


Mom, what does junkie mean? Are you a lesbian?


Farah et Myriam! Vous êtes arrivées en retard trois fois, alors pour aujourd’hui vous avez appris un poème!

Oui, madame Giboudeaux

Demain, dès l’aube

à l’heure ou blanchit la campagne,

Je partirai [3]

When mom didn’t appear at work, the hotel called the police. The police knocked at her door and when she didn’t open they walked in. Are you alright Ms. Widmer? Can we come in? They sat at her bed and told her they understood she was tired.


Onodera und Miura (1998) berichten, dass physisch unattraktive Frauen manchmal als aktiv, selbstsicher und sehr willensstark gesehen werden.


The handsome assholes are plain and kind, and the ugly jerks are sweet, and they are folding this person’s sweater and putting it somewhere where it won’t get dirty. Best of all, every person this person has ever loved is there. Even the ones who got away. They hold this person’s hand and tell this person how hard it was to pretend to get mad and drive off and never come back [4].


Hola fea. Entonces estás empacando… ¿Oye y en la playa? ¿Estás empacando tu bikini también?


Y este… ¿En la playa, vas a andar en bikini?


¿Y lo vas a hacer como las europeas estas? ¿Ahí en la playa?

No entiendo. ¿Cómo “las europeas”?

¿Si, vas a andar desnuda ahí? ¿Te vas a quitar tu top del bikini?


It is no accident that so many potentially powerful women feel this way. We are in the midst of a violent backlash against feminism that uses images of female beauty as a political weapon against women’s advancement: the beauty myth [5] .


Diese beträchtliche Menge und die Grösse der männlichen Hoden legen nahe, dass unsere weiblichen Vorfahren mehrere Liebhaber innerhalb eines Monats hatten (Baker & Bellis, 1995).


He is breathing heavily and he is saying Quiero darte un beso


With panic in her eyes, Kate looked at Pip. Pip took her hand, turned to me, and said, We have to tell you something.

I suddenly felt chilled. My ears felt so cold that I had to press my hands against them. But I quickly realised this made me look as if I were covering them to avoid listening, like the monkey who hears no evil. So I rubbed my palms together and asked, Are your ears cold? Pip didn’t respond, but Kate shook her head [6].

Yo sé que has venido acá para seducir a mi esposo y a mis hijos Yo te veo, eres una fácil y yo te veo y lo que andas haciendo


Damn baby all I need is a lil’ bit

A lil’ bit of this, a lil’ bit of that [7]


After her death I found a note. It said

Today 2 September

Got out of bed

Washed hair

[1]Hergovich, Andreas. Psychologie der Schönheit, 2002

[2]Shakira. La Tortura, 2005

[3]Hugo, Victor. Demain, Dès l’Aube…, 1856

[4]July, Miranda. This Person, 2005

[5]Wolf, Naomi. The Beauty Myth, 1990

[6]July, Miranda. Something That Needs Nothing, 2007

[7]50 Cent. Just A Lil Bit, 2005