I walked across a line
Tim Taylor, Yorkshire, UK
10 May 2023
I walked across a line.
I did not see it;
there was no sign or sound
when one foot or the other
first landed on the other side.
The earth did not look different
nor did the clouds change places
or the sun burn more or less
harshly than before.
An imaginary line, then?
a mere fiction on a map?
No. When I crossed,
that line sliced through my life
like wire through a cheese,
excised me from the web
of what I was. Before,
there was belonging
but not hope.
Here, I am Other,
an anomaly, a problem.
I have – I am – no one;
I own nothing but my shirt
and these sand-eroded shoes.
For all that, I am glad I crossed.
Better this dislocated
fragment of a life
than none.